Play and Earn
The main source of Play and Earn rewards will come from harvesting Aurum.
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The main source of Play and Earn rewards will come from harvesting Aurum.
Last updated
Fleet is currently under development, the information provided is subject to change as it evolves to fit the development needs. We talk about all that will be developed at some point although not everything will be available on the MVP version, so it's essential to check the roadmap to find out the different stages.
Each week there will be a pool of SMCW rewards which will be distributed to the Olympus Syndicate Membership NFT holders and non holders for the Aurum that is delivered to King Station. The Syndicate distributes 80% of the SMCW rewards to its members and 20% to top Aurum harvesters regardless of membership status. Distribution of SMCW is based on how much Aurum the player harvests that week compared to other players. Aurum is harvested by sending the fleet on dangerous missions. The SMCW rewards will come from the revenue generated in "Space Misfits: Mayhem" to create a sustainable Play and Earn ecosystem based off of non-inflationary rewards. (At initial release the rewards pool will come from our Play and Earn allocation as well as market purchases of SMCW made by the studio to help the reward system remain sustainable.)
80% of the weekly Aurum rewards pool is designated for Olympus Syndicate Members (OSM) only. To earn a share of the SMCW rewards designated for OSM members a player must hold an OSM NFT in their linked wallet and have an active deposit of SMCW Collateral in the pledge pool. There will only be 1,000 Syndicate Membership NFTs ever created. In future releases, the player will be able to upgrade their membership to delegate additional players to harvest Aurum on their behalf, increasing their Aurum harvest and their share of the rewards pool. Members will then decide how they might share their rewards with the players they delegate.
Players who are not members of the Olympus Syndicate can still harvest Aurum and compete for the remaining 20% of the weekly rewards pool. This portion of SMCW is rewarded to top players regardless of their membership status. The hunt for Aurum is what drives the Fleet economy. Players will need to use a broad range of Ships, Weapon Turrets, and Commanders to maximize their Aurum extraction. These items will be placed at risk every time the Fleet embarks on a route for Aurum. Ships will consistently be destroyed and players will always need to craft new ones. This will create Play and Earn opportunities for all players to sell the necessary crafting materials on the Player Marketplace.
In addition to SMCW rewards, Aurum Expeditions are the main way for players to earn OS Credits. Earning OS Credits incentivises all players to send their fleet on Aurum Expeditions without overinflating SMCW supply.