An On-Chain Marketplace with SCMW used as the medium of exchange.
Fleet is currently under development, the information provided is subject to change as it evolves to fit the development needs. We talk about all that will be developed at some point although not everything will be available on the MVP version, so it's essential to check the roadmap to find out the different stages.
Players will be able to trade numerous resources and crafted items for SMCW. Players will use our Export/Import tool to mint NFTs from their in game items. There will be a CROWN fee to mint NFTs which will create floor prices and limit supply on the blockchain marketplace. There won't be a CROWN fee to import NFTs into Fleet. Fleet Alpha v1 will utilize resources from the current build of Space Misfits (1.0). This will give our current players and early adopters a chance to use all of the resources they’ve built up over the years to their advantage and build a starting fleet at Fleet launch which they will use to quickly do their first Aurum Expeditions and earn Aurum to compete for the weekly SMCW rewards pool. It will allow them to start generating liquidity to the markeplace for new players beginning to play Fleet.
We will deprecate Space Misfits 1.0 in anticipation of Space Misfits: Mayhem our new 3d Bullet Hell space shooter. When Space Misfits 1.0 gets deprecated we will exchange all current resources for Fleet resources at a yet to be determined rate and collection of new resources will come from Fleet and Mayhem.
A percentage of Marketplace fees will go to Space Station owners as well as Misfit Founders Token and Misfit Support Token holders.
Export/Import summary
Importing anything to Fleet, means burning (melting) the FT/NFT in the blockchain, it creates the “in-game database item/s”. Exporting anything from Fleet, means creating (minting) the FT/NFT in the blockchain, it destroys the “in-game database item/s”.
All users can import.
All users can forge ships.
Only “Ship NFT BP” owners can export the specific Ship/s they own.
All users can import/export.
Only “Commander NFT BP” owners can clone the specific Commander/s they own.
All users can import/export. (In the future there could be "Pledging tier" limitations)
Resources are grouped as Ingot FTs by its type (1k Peroxium Ingot FTs, 1k Trantium Ingot FTs etc...)
Last updated