👉Install & Sign Up
Last updated
© 2023 Space Misfits by Jade Stems Studios - All Rights Reserved
Last updated
Attention: You are currently visiting Space Misfits Rogue 1.0 related guides, Space Misfits Rogue 1.0 is an old game and will not receive any future update, it will be disabled in the future as we are releasing our two new titles Mayhem & Fleet. You can check Fleet guides here. You can check Mayhem guides here.
BOTH your game account and website account are the same. Remember that your username is CaSe SenSiTiVe. The game is currently in an Alpha stage. You can install it for Windows and Mac OS (with Parallels).
🔽Download the latest game version here: https://spacemisfits.com/download/
➖ Windows users: After downloading, unzip the file, and launch SM_ARENA_URP.exe If you have any problem, make ssure you check the Connection Issues & Troubleshooting guides. ➖ Mac OS users: Use Parallels https://www.parallels.com/
Choose your Username and password. Remember that the Username is CaSe sEnSitiVe. Also, remember that this account works when you access the Space Misfits website. It's the same for both places.
After you press the button "Create an account" you need to confirm your e-mail address.
If you don't see the confirmation email address, please check the spam/junk folder. Click the provided link to finish the confirmation process.
The website will confirm with the following message:
Welcome on board Misfit ! Your account is now ready. Go ahead if you want to know how to link your Enjin Wallet.
To register an account, go to: https://spacemisfits.com/signup/ You'll see a sign up form like the image below.