Your first mission
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Ready for your first mission ? learn how to complete or abandon missions next. First, find the Mission Area at the Space Station. To interact with the forge, stay close and press "F" key to open it.
Let's see what's inside the Mission Area panels.
There's three panels you need to learn: Panel 1, you can see the "Factions" these factions will give you quest and you can Level up your "Reputation Level" with them, with more reputation you can get exclusive access to zones and special "Buffs". Panel 2 is to check the Faction's mission givers, once you select the faction you want to play the missions from, you can see the mission giver. Panel 3 is to check the "Faction's mission givers Missions" here you can accept and or complete your missions to get rewards and "Faction Reputation Level"
Go ahead and select a Faction, Mission Giver, and a mission.
Click on any "Faction" then click on the "Mission Giver" then click on the "Mission".
Click on the "Accept" button to activate the mission. Notice that if you go here again, you can see a new button "Active" and the total "Active" missions you have. (1)
Clcik the "View Active" button, this is so you can check the active mission in case you need to read again the requested goals. If you hover the mission, it will show the full description, rewards and other info you want to read. If you click on the mission, you can also abandon it by clicking on the "Abandon" button.
Get the mission done, remember to check what it's asking you and use the "Space Agent" if you need to go out for a "Rogue Incursion" in order to complete it. Come back after you completed the mission and you'll also notice the Mission completed notification on top left. Notice you have a warning symbol that means you have completed quest to return.
Click on the "View Active" button.
Click on the mission you want to complete.
Click the "Complete" button.
Check your rewards (notice the fp "Faction points" with King Station on this mission) Notice the blue bar with your FP "Faction points" filling up the bar until you can Level Up the Reputation you have with the specific Faction. Once you can level up with them, you can use the Level Up button.