Staking dApp v2 (NEW)
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SMCW: 0xb2ea51BAa12C461327d12A2069d47b30e680b69D
LP: 0xB2Ce64B78236e83bfbc625806116481Dc5fFD642
If you don't know how to add $SMCW to your MetaMask Wallet, CHECK METAMASK WALLET SETUP FIRST (click here)
SMCW contract: 0xb2ea51BAa12C461327d12A2069d47b30e680b69D
Stake SMCW tokens and earn SMCW Tokens.
This guide will provide you with a clear understanding of how the staking dApp works for staking your SMCW tokens in the SMCW pool in case you already possess SMCW tokens in your MetaMask Wallet or Enjin Wallet/other compatible wallet (via WalletConnect) and wish to stake them.
To stake your SMCW tokens, please follow steps 1, 2, 3, and 4.
If you wish to vest or claim your rewards, follow steps 1, 2, and 5.
Similarly, to unstake your SMCW tokens, follow steps 1, 2, and 6.
Once your MetaMask extension input opens or you scanned WalletConnect QR, select the wallet you want to connect to the Staking DApp.
To begin, launch the staking DApp v2 and click on the "Connect to Metamask" button. Alternatively, if you prefer to use WalletConnect, click on the "WalletConnect" button and scan the displayed QR Code to proceed. Note: If you are using WalletConnect you can use the Enjin Wallet or any compatible wallet, remember to avoid exiting from the App/Apk until you are finished doing the transactions to avoid finishing the connection or you will need to disconnect in the App and start over again.
To stake your SMCW tokens, ensure that you are in the SMCW Staking Pools and utilize the SMCW pool. Before you can interact with the pool, you must first approve your wallet by clicking the "Approve" button, you will receive a prompt to approve it. Once you sign the transaction, the pool will be ready for you to interact with. Remember that MetaMask will ask you to setup your Custom spending cap (as a security meassure) click "Use default" as it will allow you to stake any amount of tokens. If you want to setup your own "max amount" remember that it will define the maximum of tokens that you will be able to stake in the pool and MetaMask doesn't have clear instructions into how to change this later yet, we recommend using the "default" amount. Note: The dApp can identify the SMCW and LP tokens in your wallet and display them in the SMCW/LP Rewards info Panel, separating them by pool. Moreover, you can access the Info panel located to the right of this section, which provides you with detailed information about SMCW, other pools and more information of the dApp.
Upon being approved in the SMCW Pool, you can proceed to stake your SMCW by selecting the desired amount and lock period. Once you have made your selection, simply click on the "Stake" button. After signing the transaction and receiving confirmation from the blockchain, you can view your staked tokens on the Info panel as well as the "Claim/Vesting Panel".
To claim your SMCW rewards you need to vest them first for one month, click on the "Vest SMCW Rewards Now (1 month)" button, first click will open the dropdown to see the rewards resume, press the button again and confirm the transaction, review the "Claim/Vesting Panel" log to view the claimed rewards amount, current vesting status, and remaining time until unlocking. Once the vesting period ends, you can claim your tokens by clicking on the "Claim NOW" button. Please note that you can only vest your rewards once a week.
To unstake your SMCW tokens, wait until the lock period ends. You can check the remaining time to unlock anytime by accessing the "Claim/Vesting Panel". Once the available tokens are ready for unstaking, you will see an "Unstake" button. Click on the "Unstake" button and sign the transaction to successfully unstake your tokens. ⚠️ If you need additional help please contact support.
Tip: Utilize the filters and pagination available in the "Claim/Vesting Panel" or "Ingame Rewards Log" to easily locate what you are searching for.
When adding Liquidity in PancakeSwap Remember to use our existing V2 Liquidity Pool.
To begin, launch the staking DApp v2 and click on the "Connect to Metamask" button. Alternatively, if you prefer to use WalletConnect, click on the "WalletConnect" button and scan the displayed QR Code to proceed. Note: If you are using WalletConnect you can use the Enjin Wallet or any compatible wallet, remember to avoid exiting from the App/Apk until you are finished doing the transactions to avoid finishing the connection or you will need to disconnect in the App and start over again.
To stake your LP tokens, ensure that you are in the SMCW Staking Pools and utilize the BUSD/SMCW LP pool. Before you can interact with the pool, you must first approve your wallet by clicking the "Approve" button, you will receive a prompt to approve it. Once you sign the transaction, the pool will be ready for you to interact with. Note: The dApp can identify the SMCW and LP tokens in your wallet and display them in the SMCW/LP Rewards info Panel, separating them by pool. Moreover, you can access the Info panel located to the right of this section, which provides you with detailed information about SMCW, other pools and more information of the dApp.
Upon being approved in the LP Pool, you can proceed to stake your SMCW by selecting the desired amount and lock period. Once you have made your selection, simply click on the "Stake" button. After signing the transaction and receiving confirmation from the blockchain, you can view your staked tokens on the Info panel as well as the "Claim/Vesting Panel".
To claim your SMCW rewards you need to vest them first for one month, click on the "Vest SMCW Rewards Now (1 month)" button, first click will open the dropdown to see the rewards resume, press the button again and confirm the transaction, review the "Claim/Vesting Panel" to view the claimed rewards amount, current vesting status, and remaining time until unlocking. Once the vesting period ends, you can claim your tokens by clicking on the "Claim NOW" button. Please note that you can only vest your rewards once a week.
To unstake your LP tokens, wait until the lock period ends. You can check the remaining time to unlock anytime by accessing the "Claim/Vesting Panel". Once the available tokens are ready for unstaking, you will see an "Unstake" button. Click on the "Unstake" button and sign the transaction to successfully unstake your tokens. ⚠️ If you need additional help please contact support.
Tip: Utilize the filters and pagination available in the "Claim/Vesting Panel" or "Ingame Rewards Log" to easily locate what you are searching for.
To begin, launch the staking DApp v2 and click on the "Connect to Metamask" button. Alternatively, if you prefer to use WalletConnect, click on the "WalletConnect" button and scan the displayed QR Code to proceed. Note: If you are using WalletConnect you can use the Enjin Wallet or any compatible wallet, remember to avoid exiting from the App/Apk until you are finished doing the transactions to avoid finishing the connection or you will need to disconnect in the App and start over again.
To stake your SMCW tokens, ensure that you are in the Ingame Pools and utilize the Hidden data (Random Telemetry) pool. Before you can interact with the pool, you must first approve your wallet by clicking the "Approve" button, you will receive a prompt to approve it. Once you sign the transaction, the pool will be ready for you to interact with. Note: The Hidden data (Random Telemetry) pool will show you info based on your staked tokens, the Pending Rewards and the Estimated Rewards per day.
Upon being approved in the Hidden data (Random Telemetry) pool, you can proceed to stake your SMCW. For this specific pool, you will be shown the amounts you are allowed to stake, being only multiples of 5,000 in this particular case and a maximum of 100,000 as the pool max produced Pending Rewards per day is 20/day. After selecting the desired amount of SMCW to stake , simply click on the "Increase/Stake" button. After signing the transaction and receiving confirmation from the blockchain, you can view your staked tokens on the Info panel as well as the "Claim/Vesting Panel". If you staked less than the maximum amount, you can always increase your staked amount until the max allowed by staking again on top. You can also decrease your staked tokens by unstaking them (follow step 6) New staked tokens will start the process again to calculate the daily produced rewards.
To claim your "Pending rewards" for the Hidden data (Random Telemetry) pool, navigate to the pool panel and ensure that you have accumulated "Pending Rewards." You must have at least one in order to claim, and the maximum amount you can claim at once is 30. Enter your Enjin Wallet address, don't use a blockchain domain, only raw addreses are allowed (we recommend to always double check) and introduce the desired amount to claim (30 max), then click the "Claim Rewards" button and sign the transaction. A popup will appear displaying the unveiled hidden data Telemetry rewards. You can also view them in the "Ingame Rewards Log." Use the "show/hide" button to see the rewards you won. ⚠️ We recommend you to claim pending rewards frequently to avoid having too many Pending Rewards, if the pool requirements change (prior community announcement) you will lose your Pending Rewards if they aren't claimed by the time it is changed as it won't maintain your old pending rewards.
To unstake your SMCW tokens from the Hidden data (Random Telemetry) pool, you can do it anytime by accessing the "Claim/Vesting Panel". Find the previously staked amount that you want to unstake and use the "Unstake" button, sign the transaction to successfully unstake your tokens. ⚠️ If you need additional help please contact support.