Buy Testing tCROWN
Last updated
Last updated
If you have claimed Testing SMCW, you can use the CROWN Shop to buy some CROWN if you have not claimed it yet, please follow this guide to claim it. To learn more about the CROWN Shop please read more here in Fleet's GitBook. To buy Testing CROWN, Fleet's testing premium currency, you need an account and sign-in to the testing website. To create an account or learn how to sign in to the testing website, please follow this guide.
After you sign in to the testing website, there are many ways you can access the CROWN Shop. You can access using this link or clicking the top right CROWN Shop link where it shows your available CROWN, or through the internal menu. Testing CROWN Shop access link:
Remember to select Binance Smart Chain Testnet Network in your MetaMask order for the Testing CROWN Shop to work so you can purchase Testing CROWN.
After you selected Binance Smart Chain Testnet Network, use the "Connect to MetaMask" button for the Testing CROWN Shop to be able to interact and detect with your Testing SMCW Tokens as you need them to purchase CROWN.
You will see that the Testing CROWN Shop detects your Testing SMCW meaning that now you can purchase Testing CROWN.
You have to buy more than the "minimum purchase of Testing CROWN", you can also see the Testing SMCW that 1 CROWN will cost you. Find these details in the following section of the CROWN Shop. To purchase Testing CROWN, insert the amount you want to buy and click "BUY" button.
Wait for the MetaMask extension to open and confirm the transaction.
Wait for the transaction to be confirmed on the blockchain.
After it is confirmed, the browser will refresh and show your purchased Testing CROWN.